Advanced, XL Family

Location Codes

Each radio is configured with a "location code" comprising a seven bit group number (1-127) and an eight bit address within that group (1-255).

Data packets sent over the radio can be addressed to a single location, as a broadcast to all addresses within a group, as a broadcast to a given address regardless of group, or to all locations. Furthermore, multiple radios may be configured with the same group and address codes. This makes all packets sent to that address effectively a broadcast.


Guaranteed-delivery mode should not be used when broadcasting to multiple targets.

To broadcast a packet to multiple locations, simply use a zero for the destination group and/or address. A zero in the group field indicates "all groups," and a zero in the address field indicates "all addresses within a group."

Packets sent in transparent mode will always be sent to the radio's default location. This location can be set from the standard configuration panel.